The Can Caravan Review by Just Imagine


The Can Caravan

Authored by Richard O’Neill

Illustrated by Cindy Kang

Published by Child's Play International Ltd

Richard O’Neill is bringing to light the joy, community and unity of travellers through his rich storytelling. With a selection of books published celebrating this lifestyle and the people who live within these communities, he is highlighting the brilliance of our differences.

In this story, Janie lives with Mum and Grandad and she dreams of building her own caravan some day, always drawing and planning it to meet her needs. They live near Mrs Tolen, an old family friend. When Mrs Tolen breaks her hip and has to spend time in hospital, there is great concern she won’t be able to return to her caravan.

Janie promises not to spend their money on Mrs Tolen’s caravan but inspiration strikes her on a school trip to the recycling plant. Explaining her plan to her classmates and friends, Janie works hard to gather the right people, materials and time in order to surprise Mrs Tolen. Janie is daunted by the work but soon finds leading the team is easy as everyone is working together for the greater good of a member of their community.

Children will certainly understand the benefits of working to create something that will help someone loved. The overall messages of community are threaded through with the traveller virtues. There is also a strong message of sustainability and using local resources to adapt and create. Janie’s ideas sparked while visiting the recycling plant and she gathered her new knowledge to make a difference in her community. Pride in Janie and her accomplishments will be felt by any reader in KS1 and lower KS2 as they read or share this tale.

This review was written by Erin Hamilton

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